• On 20/12/2018, a conference was organized at the Primary School 
    in Konopiska to disseminate the results of the ending project: 
    "Take a chance".
    The event was attended by invited guests - teachers and students 
    - from neighboring schools. During the meeting  we presented  
    a multimedia screening documenting the most important project 
    events and presented the results of our project.
    Guests received gadgets with information, where to look for 
    our developed materials. During the conference, the headmistress 
    - Ilona Ujma - gave 9 teachers and 19 pupils Europass Mobility 
    Certificates. It is a document confirming the period of education 
    or training, which takes place in another European country as part 
    of an organized trip. The headmistress was also the recipient 
    of this document.
    Our adventure with the project has come to an end. 
    We believe that we have used our chance well. 
    The opportunity for learning, exchange of experience 
    and personal development. 
    We are ready to take on new design challenges.