A typical weekday

  • My name is Michela and I live in Badia Polesine, not far from our school. 

    On a typical school day I wake up at seven and get washed and dressed. My father cooks breakfast: he prapares, toast, small pizzas and biscuits. I drink tea. After breakfast I cycle to school. 

    Our school is big, there are many classroms and laboratories (computers, chemistry. biology,...). Lessons start at 8.05 and finish at 12.40 or 13.30, depending on the number of lessons of the day. In my class we are 17 students and we work very well together: I think we are one of the best classes in the school, actually. Every day we have two 10-minute break, one at about 9.50 and one at about 11.40. We go to school 5 days a week (on Saturdays we stay at home!): this is not usual in an Italian High School like ours. 

    When I go home I have lunch (usually with pasta, meat and vegetables) then I have a short nap or I watch TV. Later I do my homework, alone or with one of my classmates. I also go to the gym. I do not love doing sport, but I think it is healthy for my body. 

    In my free time I meet my friends in Badia and we go out by bike or we spend the evening in a bar.

    That's a typical schoolday in Italy!