I have prepared a Students Statement for Peace with some students with the help of writer David C. Hall. It is a document to be freely used in collaboration with students in class for education purposes. Feel free to use it and change whatever you like. I have just uploaded the baseline provided and revised by David C. Hall. I have glossed the terms and provided a definition in English and a translation into Catalan and Spanish. The text is also available in Spanish and Catalan. The recording in English and the work-in-progress translations of the text into Spanish and Catalan are available at https://goo.gl/ld9gx0 and embedded on https://sites.google.com/a/xtec.cat/teresa-naves/inputs/peace/naves-peace-materials/students-peace-statement
Ideas, suggestions and feedback most welcome
Thank you!
Teresa Naves mnaves3@xtec.cat t.naves@serratibonastre.cat
Student's Statement for Peace
Hi. We’re students from ___________ at ______________ and today we’re standing for peace. Yeah. Well, that’s easy. Everybody’s for peace. I bet anybody you ask will tell you they’re for peace. Well, almost anybody.
So, if everybody is for peace, what’s the problem? Some people might say that’s a stupid question. We don’t think so. We’re students. Nobody expects us to have the answers, but maybe we can try to ask the right questions.
We can ask, for instance, how come, if we are all for peace, we still can’t find homes for refugees who are fleeing wars they didn’t start?
Or we can ask how come we spend millions every year on weapons and technology for war? They say we need to do this to be able to defend ourselves and to fight for peace, but why then do our governments sell arms to countries where there are no civil rights, no human rights, women are treated as property and kids are exploited?
There are lots of questions we can ask if we are going to talk about peace. People don’t realize sometimes how powerful asking the right questions can be. So let’s get started.
Students’ Statement for Peace provided by writer David C. Hall for use by students, for educational purposes only.
Glossed and Translated by T. Naves mnaves3@xtec.cat https://goo.gl/mlrVFm