NEWS by Montmajour

  • 7th bulletin: wrap-up

    6th bulletin: The Meeting in De Panne about SUSTAINABLE ARCHITECTURE


    5th bulletin: The Meeting in Rome about SUSTAINABLE TOURISM




    4th bulletin: summer edition, sustainble tourism in Arles



    3rd bulletin: The Meeting in Hamburg about SUSTAINABLE CLOTHING



    2nd bulletin: The Meeting in Seville about WASTE and ENERGY

    The second bulletin is all about our meeting in Seville, Spain. The French students who attended the meeting: Deborah, Magali, Morgane, Jeanne and Corentin teamed up with 5 students of the original team and Léonie has become our editor, assisted by Mrs Hydrio. Each pair was in charge of an article. The teams meet every Monday over lunch for about 45 minutes, to discuss content and layout of the bulletin. 

    Both bulletins will be distributed in the staff room, in the library and during the mini-lessons taught by the Erasmus+ students.

    We will bring copies of each to the Hamburg meeting.


    1st bulletin: The Meeting in Arles about FOOD


    On this page you can see the different stages of our mini-project which consists of creating a news bulletin after each meeting. A small group of students, monitored by Karine Hydrio, our physics teacher, meet at lunch time to discuss layout, content and design. The project involves art, design, writing and computing. 

     This pdf document was given to the students in order to give them an idea of what a "classic" newspaper looks like.

    At the end of the first session, students were asked to come up with ideas for the front page. 


    During the second session, the various proposals were compared, then put into a single document:

     The students' task was then to start the lay-out and writing of each article.

    Léonie, our artist in the team started working on the drawings of "la petite Eloise", the mascot of the bulletin.

    On Thursday, December 15th, the group of 6 students journalists was joined by Corentin who will write a small paragraph about the logo contest. Some articles were reviewed and corrected; other still have to be written. The team will meet again in January to finalize and print the bulletins!

    Here is an outline of what it looked like: 

     Another meeting took place on Tuesday, January 3rd, to check articles, photos, layout an pictures. Here's the final version.

     Enjoy! We will bring copies for each student involved to the Seville meeting.