WHF Project Outline

  • "WHF: With a little Help from my Friends"  

    project can be described as a problem solving, communication game which challenges project students, Active Citizens-to-be, to identify and cooperatively solve a real problem in their communities. The project aims at improving the students' ability to identify opportunities and turn ideas into action in order to achieve objectives (The Entrepreneurship Competence Framework, 2016). To this end, the students communicate online and collaborate to plan their course of action and to report on their results using ICT tools, social media and art!

    Project work is organised in four project phases (Get engaged, Map it, Take Action, Celebrate) following Dr Jane Goodall's "Roots and Shoots" formula.

    On the TwinSpace, students share inspirational stories about national & fictional change-makers as well as the results of their field and online research of local and global problems.

    In three online meetings, they get to know the other members of their transnational group, they discuss and list problems, they suggest courses of action and reach a consensus as to what all the members of the group should do to solve the problem.

    Having made public the results of their work online, they organise local celebrations both to share their experience with but also to sensitize the local community.  

    At each and every step of the project process, students support each other in their national and transnational groups but they also turn for help to parents and grandparents (field research), experts (for Phases 2: Map it and 3: Action) as well as their teachers. As a result, they come to realize that in the modern alienated society, 21st century citizens should be able to combine human values and skills with technology in order to cooperate, think critically, solve problems and improve the world we live in!