Evaluation and Dissemination of the project

  • Here is an e-book about the project with all of our activities:


    Here is a quiz about Slovenia and what we have seen: there:https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfqWPp0EKBMUEP4IvA5kupAPqen2mGwFRsxsoWN1uPPff9tCA/viewform

    When the Serbs arrived to Slovenia, they also had a Kahoot! quiz on Slovenia and Serbia: https://play.kahoot.it/#/k/743331e3-e0d9-44d2-a10c-5cd9aaf5289a

    We had evaluation padlets after every visit and here are the links to them:

    Here you can find the school site pages about our project:

     You can also read about the project on the the municipality of Grocka website:


    and Culture centre Grocka:


    Here are slideshare presentations about the project:



    You can see a brief photo summary of what was going on on both exchange visits on OŠ Dobrovo Instagram profile:


    The Slovenian students also made summary presentations on what the Serbs saw in Brda and its surroundings and collected them in a brouchure for their fellow students to read and complete with personal notes:


    A school magazine from Umčari had an artical about the project: 


    Summary presentations:


    Goriška Brda covers an area of 72 km². There are about six thousand people who live in forty-five villages.  Dobrovo is the municipality centre where you can find the town hall and our school.

    Brda is placed in west Slovenia near the Italian border. The region is quite hilly. It's surrounded by two hills - Korada in the north and Sabotin in the south. The majority of people work in vineyards and orchards because the climate and relief are very favourable. “Fliš” is  Brda’s typical rock.

    The region witnesses many changes in the past. Brda were part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, then it was under Italy. After WWII it became part of Yugoslavia, but part of the region was given to Italy, so today we speak about Goriška Brda in Slovenia and Il Colio in Italy.

    Enia Marinič


    After the frost in 1929 the olive oil production started again in 1978 when the first olive trees after 1929 were planted. Now there are more than 200 ha of olive groves. In the past 10 years, people have started planting autochthonous sorts of olive trees. Olive oil producers from Brda receive a lot of awards for their oil. Brda is the northernmost border where olive trees still thrive.  

    Neja Prinčič



    The Brda region has a great climate for wine making. Vineyards cover an area of 1800 hectares. The most known white wines are rebula, tokaj, pinot, chardonnay and sauvignon. After WWII, in 1957, the biggest wine cellar in Slovenia started to operate in the village of Dobrovo.

    Now the first spring guest of all Slovenian markets is the fresh fruit under the brand name of Sadje Goriških brd (The Fruit of Goriška Brda). In the spring, the cherries are first to ripen, after that, in summer, the peaches mature. They represent the biggest part of our fruit. However, people also grow apricots, pears, apples, figs, and plums. The last fruit in Brda is the persimmon.

    Alen Murenc


    Brda is a tourist destination and it has a lot of accommodation such as hotels, private rooms and holiday farms. Tourists come to Brda because of its magnificent landscape and tourist attractions. Brda is very famous for wine, olives, and fruit and it is getting recognisable all over the world. We offer a lot of activities such as eco mobility, cycling, hiking trips, and thematic trails. We have a lot of traditional events such as The Cherry Festival that attract a lot of tourists.

    Žiga Kodermac



    The settlement was built on Roman foundations as a fortress on the strategic Venetian-Austrian border.

    Nowadays, the village is an architectural gem, a cultural monument, unique as a whole and in details.

    The village was named after the church of St Martin that is the biggest church in Brda. Today you can visit  Šmartno to see the House of Culture and other beautiful parts of it. The village gets even more alive with events such as Brda and Wine and St Martin Festival.

    Tina Drnovšček


    Medana is a winegrowing village in Brda. You can see the birth house of our poets Alojz Gradnik and Ludvik Zorzut there. The village is famous for its numerous guesthouses and wineries and also for its festival Dnevi poezije in vina (Days of poetry and wine), which takes places every year.

    Matej Žežlin


    Vipolže is a village in Goriška Brda, which lies on the border with Italy. The main economic activity in the village is agriculture. There are lots of vineyards and some peach orchards. The church in the village is dedicated to St Egidij but the biggest attraction is the recently renovated Vila Vipolže, a renaissance villa. In the villa’s park, you can also see giant cypresses that are said to be one of the oldest in Europe.

    Žiga Fon


    On a hill, in small village named Kojsko, there's Sveti Križ church (St Cross Church). It was built in the 16th century and it was first called Sveti Križ on a lake, because there are many little rivers. The church used to be a part of a defence camp, which was made to protect people during the Turks attacks. On the way to the church, we can see little chapels with Stations of the Cross. People from all over Slovenia used to come to visit this small church. The inside was painted in the 17th century, but the most special thing is definitely the gothic altar, which is the oldest gothic altar in Slovenia.

    Taja Fabricijo


    Sveta Gora (682 m) is mostly known as  a pilgrim centre above Nova Gorica. People from all over Slovenia and the neighbouring countries visit the place as it is believed that Virgin Mary appeared to a local girl in 1539 and asked her to build her a ‘home’ on top of the hill. Today you can visit the Basilica of Sveta Gora, a monastery and if you're tired hungry or thirsty you can snack at the local restaurant and enjoy the beautiful view Sv. Gora offers.

    Tina Drnovšček


    Solkan stone bridge has the largest stone arch in the world, which represents the highlight of knowledge in bridge building. It was built as part of a railway line between Trieste and Vienna. The bridge is 219.70 meters long and 36 meters high. It was built in 1905, but it was demolished during the First World War. In 1927, it was reconstructed and got a slightly different shape than the previous one.

    Taja Fabricijo


    Gorica or Gorizia in Italian was first mention in 1001. It used to be a crossroads of three cultures (the Roman, the German and the Slavic). Nova Gorica is Slovenia’s 10th biggest city and it’s also the country’s youngest city. It was built after WWII, when after the 1947 Paris Peace Treaty the region of Goriška lost Gorica (now called Gorizia) to Italy. Today, Nova Gorica is also called the City of Roses because of the many rose bushes that are planted all over the town. You can also see the rose in the town’s coat-of-arms. The town is also famous for its casinos and gambling facilities and it is jokingly referred to as the ‘Slovenian Las Vegas’.  Even though Gorica is now in Italy, there are many Slovenians who still live there. Today, Gorica and Nova Gorica are so called twin cities.  They share a square at the train station called Trg Evrope (Europe’s Square), where half of the square is in Slovenia and the other in Italy.



    The monastery, which is located on hill Kostanjevica above Nova Gorica, is one of the 13 Franciscan monasteries in Slovenia. It is best known for its tombs, located in the church crypt, where the members of the French Bourbon royal family, including Charles X, the last French king of the dynasty (otherwise the penultimate king in general), are buried. It is also home to a 200-year old library. The monastery was founded in 1623 when Count Matija Thurn first build the church, and then the small monastery.

    Peter Drašček


    Taja Fabricijo wrote a short article for the next issue of the local Brda magazine Briški časnik:


    eTwinning projekt Lahkih nog naokrog


    Nekateri učenci 9. razreda že dve leti sodelujemo pri projektu eTwinning. V letošnjem šolskem letu pa je projekt pokazal svoje bistvo, in sicer z izmenjavo. Že septembra smo se začeli pripravljati na obisk Srbije-Beograda, ki je potekal v začetku aprila. Povezali smo se z osnovno šolo Mića Stojković v Umčarih. Po petih dneh bivanja pri družinah gostiteljev smo se odpravili še v srbsko prestolnico, kjer smo si ogledali znamenitosti, ki jih Beograd ponuja. Polni znanja in novih izkušenj smo se ob koncu vikenda vrnili domov. Po mesecu dni so nam Srbi obisk vrnili in sami smo se preizkusili v vlogi gostitelja. Razkazali smo jim Brda, Novo Gorico in Postojno. Sklenili smo prijateljstva, ki bodo ostala za vedno.

    Radi bi se zahvalili občini Brda in OŠ Dobrovo, ki sta nas podprli pri tem projektu.


    Taja Fabricijo, 9.b



    And school posters on our visits:

    Display at OŠ Dobrovo:

    Display at OŠ Mića Stojković:

    We also presented our project to colleagues, students and parents: