Walking Trail 1

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    Now, these are some trails, here in Serbia, nad we expect to see some of yours. This is my trail from my home to school.




    Lately we've been working on our walking trail that is actually going to be the treasure hunt in our beautiful village named Šmartno. For a good trail we needed plenty of time. We' ve been collecting ideas and finding the tricky questions for you, so you'll learn something new and have fun at the same time. First, we went to the place that the trail is going to take place and looked for the tasks. We were looking for the items and places that you'll need to find and they will lead you till the end of the hunt. When we made completed the trail and all the tasks, we went back to the school and translated the text from our language to English. After that we put everything togerther so the questions match with the right tasks. In this task, there were four girls and a boy involved. This is how we've been working on our project.

    Author: Tina Drnovšček