3. Team building

  • By now you have met your partners, broken the ice, and you know them a bit better. You also have a better understanding of the issue at hand and have started identifying the aspects we need to analyse. It's time to team up!




    Let's research body-related issues and what influences us to feel dissatisfied with ourselves.

    issue 1: Feeling bad about your body - Is it an issue in our school communities?

    Malwina, Jakub, Michał Sz, Zoé, Maxime F., Martin, Andrea, Davide, 

    issue 2: Comparing with and copying media images - Is it an issue in our school communities?

    Michał, Damian, Filip, Gaspard, Vincent, Francesco C., Leonardo, 

    issue 3:  Are we really obsessed with how we look?

    Krystian, Mateusz, Janek, Mathilde, Mathilde , Suzon, Mattia, Diego,

    issue 4: Low self-esteem and insecurities - is it an issue in our school communities?

    Ula, Julia (1b), Denis, Samy, Elena, Giacomo,  Emanuele G.

    influence1: Fashion & thin ideal

    Ewelina, Weronika  (1b), Anouk, Cerise, Léa, Giulio, Daniele, 

    influence 2: Beautiful people, stars and celebrities

    Weronika, Julia, Roksana, Lucie B, Nadège, Sandra, Luigi, Elia

    influence 3: Advertisements / the media

    Patrycja, Ola, Patryk (1b) - Lucas, Neil, Godefroy, Flavio, Francesco E. , 

    influence 4: Peers  (comparing, copying, pressure)

    Paulina, Patryk, Piotrek P, Pauline, Lucie, Ondine, Hugo, Nicola, Antonio, 

    influence 5 :Social networks

    Piotrek Ś, Tomek - Tom, Etienne, Eva, Emanuele A., Gabriele Z.

    influence 6: Family

    Viktoria, Kamila, , Ada (1b) , Mathieu P., Octave, Axel, Saverio. Monsef

    influence 7: Gender (expectations, stereotypes)

    Emilia, Paweł (1b), Mathieu, Jean, Melody, Gabriele P.,Andrea

    influence 8: Consumer society (you are what you have, the body and life pleasures, too much care for the body, being never satisfied with your life )

    Adrian, Wojtek, Théo, Maxime C., Louis, Michele, Cristian