Top tips for video calls


    Top tips for video calls!

    • Give the time of the call in all time zones
    • Hold a practice call with the teachers to sort out technical problems
    • Don’t use wireless (if possible)
    • Have a clear plan for the call (but you can still be flexible!)
    • Prepare your pupils in advance, eg how to behave and speak to the webcam + what call is about
    • Exchange vocabulary in advance
    • Give the pupils something to do for if the call drops
    • After the call, ask the pupils to reflect on their learning


    Using the 'Live' feature in eTwinning:

    Using Chrome doesn't seem to work properly - use Firefox or Explorer.

    If it isn't working, please check the following:

    the microphone and webcam buttons at the top of your screen need to be green

    you might need to run the Audio set up wizard as follows:

    Meeting - audio set-up wizard - run through the instructions

    the host may have to enable your microphone and webcam.


    Diana Linford


    Creative Commons Licence
    This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.