Here are the schools in the project. THIS PAGE IS PUBLIC. Please make sure you have permission to upload any photos here!
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High school "Vasil Levski" - Troyan is a modern school, which taught students from first to twelfth grade. It builds people - knowledgeable and skilled, with a broad culture, national virtues and European mentality, able to live fully in Troyan, Bulgaria, United Europe and the world!
Our motto is the thought of "the greatest Bulgarian" - Vasil Levski - the patron of our school, "Time is in us and we are in time!"
Aire View
This is Aire View Infant School in Silsden. The exterior, of our three form entry school, is mainly a typical gaunt Victorian building, dated 1876 and 1877 with an extension added in 1990 and a further one in 2005.
We have 90-100 children in Nursery, Reception, Year 1 and Year 2. We start at 8:50am and finish at 3:30. We have three playtimes during the day in our large playground. Our school loves to make learning fun and we try and bring real life experiences and purposes to all of our subjects and topics.
Our school is quite small, with 7 classes. We have a fun, learning environment. We have an executive headteacher called Mr Harrison and a head of school called Mrs Waterhouse. We start at 9.00 and finish at 3.30. We have playtime in the morning and a lunch break. We have a garden, a MUGA (Multi Use Games Area) and a pond. We also have a large field and a playground! We have a wooden boat and a train to play on. We also have a ball wall. Our school is half old and half new.
We are a small school in England, North Yorkshire. We live in a beautiful place surrounded by lots of fields and right next to the Leeds Liverpool Canal. Our school has 5 classes so it is very small.
We will write more soon!
Here is a picture of our school.
Steeton School
Here is a photo of the main entrance to our school. We will write a bit more soon!
Our school is all about having fun and learning! We have 11 classes, with pupils from 4 to
11. Our school day starts at 8.55 and we finish at 3.30.
We study: maths, English, science, art and craft. On Fridays we do 'Exciting Writing' and
on Tuesdays we have 'carousel' of three lessons, one after the other: violins, PE and French.
We have running club, netball club, games club, library club and gardening club.
Põltsamaa Co- Educational Gymnasium
Our school is quite big. We have about 650 students. Põltsamaa is a small town in the middle of Estonia. There is very green but in winter white.
Here You can see our mascot and the pennant.
Teuvo Pakkala School in Oulu.
We have 11 classes, 290 pupils from 6 to 13. Our timetable is different everyday. We have four music classes in our school.
LEPL Tbilisi Public School N207 is a secondary school in the suburbs of the capital city of Georgia with over 1000 students of all classes from 1 to 12. One of our students made a video of our school.
Here is the Nelson-Mandela-Schule in Dierdorf, a small town not far from Bonn in Germany.
Here is a lonk to our school website:
And here is a video about our school:
"Primo Levi" Primary School - Via Palona n. 5, 41014 Castelvetro di Modena (MO) Italy
My school is a primary school in Castelvetro, a village close to Modena. The students are about 300 aged 6-11. Here a short video:
Italy: Torre School - IC San Biagio - Ravenna, Italy :this is the link to our school wiki.
We're preparing videos in order to show you our school. In the videos section you can see our first group's attempt.
Szkoła Podstawowa nr 9 im. Mikołaja Kopernika (SP 9 Dzierżoniów) is a primary school with about 450 students aged 6-12, Years 1-6. Dzierżoniów is situated in south-west Poland about 50 km fsouth-west of Wrocław.
C.E.I.P Manuel Vidal Portela
This is C.E.I.P Vidal Portela, in Pontevedra, Galicia, on the north West of Spain.
Our lessons start at 9:00 and finishes at 14.00 CET.
We´ve got 450 pupils from 3 to 12 years old.
There are 2 classrooms for each level:
6 Kindergarten classroms and 12 Primary classrooms.
We have not lessons in the afternoons but pupils can have extracurricular activities organized by parents asssociations.
6th years graders are taking part in the Project from their C.L.I.L lessons, however , the whole school is making Xmas cards and is going to take part in different activities to learn twinspace tools and being introduced to e-twinning program.
C.E.I P Arealonga
Our school is in the capital city of Ankara which is located in the middle of Turkey. Turkey is a kind of bridge between Europe and Asia. There are 1600 students and 103 teachers in the school.We have Math, Science and Technology, Turkish, Social Sciences, English, PE, Religion, Art, Music and elective courses in our school. Morning classes start at 7:30 and finishes at 13:00 and afternoon classes takes place. They start at 13:10 and finishes at 18:50. The grades are between 5th and 8th. We are participating as 7th (age of 13) graders.
Welcome to Ukraine! Our school is located not far from Kiev, there are more than 400 pupils, they learn two foreign languages: English and German.
Here we are ! Too late but we're happy to join you all.