
    Here are some documents which can be used to test our tap water.

    Comparing waters:

    Types of water:             Italy             France             Romania           Turkey

    Hardness distilled water                   0°                  0°                           4,5mg/l CaCo3                   0°

    Hardness tap water                        22,7°             9,54°                        330mg/l CaCo3                    23,76°

    hardness sea water                        45,0°             25,0°                                                              7,04°

    hardness river water                        3,7°                                               300mg/l CaCo3                   10,56°

    hardness lagoon water                  12,5°                                               


    pH distilled water                             5,8                 5,4                            6                                  5,6

    pH tap water                                     7,1                  7,9                             7                                 7,8

    pH sea water                                    8,3                  8,4                                                                8,3

    pH river water                                   8,2                                                  6,5                                8,1

    pH lagoon water                               9,1                                                  



    Distilled water

    Tap water                                                                           

    Sea water

    River water


    Our students conclude:

    1. Hardness of water :

    • The hardness of distilled is everywhere the same (normal it's only molecule of H2O, there is no calcium and magnesium.)

    • French tap water is is more pure than Turkish tap water

    • Turkish sea water is more pure than French water

    • Only Turkey has measured river water


    1. pH of the water :

    • Romania has  the most neutral disstilled water

    • French tap water is more basic than other tap waters

    • Turkish sea wtaer is more acid than French water

    • Romanian river water is very acid compared to Turkish river water

    Conclusion : This project was realy fun, we did a lot of experiments. We hope we will do another project like this for exemple plants.

    Julien and Dolunay 1STL


    The project « water please ! » consist to search how water is important in our lives. Through activities and experiments, we discovered facts about water and shared our findings with the other stutend all over the world. Indeed, we learned many things about differents type of water. Then we've become aware of the importance of water generally. We chose to work on water simply cause water is life. What a project !


    We learned that the same water doesn't have the same hardness between countries :

    In France, the hardness of tap water is 9,54°. In Turkey, it's 23,76°

    We can also see that the same water in different countries doesn't have the same pH :

    the French's distilled water is 5,4 pH, less than in Romania (6) and in Turkey (5,6)

    Then we can say that water doesn't have the same properties between countries.

    It is very interersting to work on water because water is everywhere around us, and it's the life's source.

    It would be great to find another project about what is everywhere around us, like foods !

    Anthony Bezy & Sohail Benbourek 1°STL


    We will compare the pH of different waters in two countries : France and Turkey.

    We can see that the results is not very different, there is not much gap. For example, the pH of the sea water, in France is 8,4 and in Turkey is 8,3 and the pH of tap water in France is 7,9 and in Turkey is 7,8. The results are similar.

    Now, when we compared the results of France and Roumania, we can notice a big difference : in France the pH of tap water is 7,9 and in Roumania is 7. In Roumania, the pH of distilled water is 6, and in France is 5,4.

    We concluded the France and Turkey water it's the same

    1. To conclude, in another project that could be envisaged to do, will be to compare the level of pollution, the composition of the earth, etc...

    Mélissa et Morgane 1°STL