Holiday periods

  • School breaks in France

    October 20th to November 3rd

    December 17th to January 3rd

    February 18th to March 6th

    April 15th to May 2nd

    June is exam period ;)


    School breaks in Italy

    April 13th to 18th

    April 25th to 29

    May 1st

    June 2nd


    School breaks in Turkey

    January 20th to February 6th

    June 16th.


    School breaks in Romania

     February 4th to February 13th

    April 19th to April 30th

    Students also have special weeks for practic activities concerning their specialities when they don't have normal classes and sometimes they are not in school ( January 30th to February 3th, another week will be in March and another in May). The team involved in the project will finish school at the end of May because they will graduate.