Steeton Primary School, UK
Steeton School is in a village near Keighley in West Yorkshire.
Nelson-Mandela-Schule Dierdorf
Our school is in a small town in the west of Germany. We have about 1000 pupils aged 10 - 16.
Chernivtsi School #22, Ukraine
School #22 is located in Chernivtsi, the administrative centre of Chernivtsi region, in the picturesque land of Bukovina in western Ukraine. There are 1141 students aged 6-17 in our school studying in 39 forms (from 1st to 11th).
Colegiul National Gheorghe Lazar Sibiu, Sibiu, Romania
The main building - built more than a hundred years ago.
ICS "Via Ferraironi" di Roma , Roma (RM), Italy
This is one of the 5 buildings that compose the Istituto Comprensivo via Ferraironi, It's the main building.
Ecole Saint Vincent - Brest - FRANCE
Szkoła Podstawowa nr 9 im. M. Kopernika w Dzierżoniowie, Dzierżoniów, Poland
Põltsamaa Ühisgümnaasium, Põltsamaa, Estonia
Primary School, OS Ludina, Velika Ludina, Croatia
Cirila Kosmaca Primary school, PIRAN, SLOVENIA