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    What is happening in the Mediterranean?

    Unfortunatelly not all the news we are currently hearing are good news, some of them really sad and terrible, others show a pinch of hope ...

    This page will be a board to post all the most important things that will happen during our project work this school year.

    Arnau P and Eva brought the first news to talk about:

    - A sad one: more people are dying to save their lives and escape from the war. What could we do?

    - A good one: an NGO from Barcelona organizes a waste collection to clean the sea and arise people awareness about pollution in the oceans.

    Pupils from Navas searched the web and found interesting articles and videos about

    • 10 simple points to help us to understand about the conflict in Syria

    • A video to understand the Complexities of Syria's Civil War

    • One more video available in Spanish language.



    Pupils from Alexnadroupolis made their research too and found an "One-period video tour about THE SYRIAN REFUGEE CRISIS" coming from the I AM SYRIA site.

    They also found a video hoping that after watching it, we will be able to understand who is fighting and why

    Can you understand now why people from there and especially children want to escape?

    If not, pupils also suggest to watch the following video.

    But, of course people from Syria as the refugee teen in the next video want always to return back to their homeland

    Further more they suggest to watch the video below which is in Greek but describes the story of Irene, a refugee kid.

    In Greek the name Irene comes from the word Vicory and it is a symbolic one.

    What we have seen made us confused!!!!

    • What's happening in the world?

    • What is happening in the Mediterranean sea?

    Thousands of people are suffering because of the war, risking their lives when they leave their country, losing their homes, their family, their friends, their school and teachers... and having nothing, to do and nowhere to go.

    • Why is life so sad ? that's not fair.

    All the children and the people in the world have the right of LIFE, so we wonder:

    • Why are there so many bad people who still kill the others?

    • What can we do?

    We would like to open our arms and hug all these children who are sad and need a warm smile! We would like to open the doors of our school and our home to help them find the warm side of life again.


    After watching some videos and talking a lot about this terrible situation, the pupils from Greece and Catalonia have made a paper boat with a wish inside, just to tell the WHOLE WORLD that want PEACE, LOVE AND HAPPINESS FOR EVERYONE.

    We wish our boat dreams come true!

    In Navàs, the whole Sant Josep school decided to join with the idea of giving support to refugees and a huge sea of fish full of peaceful wishes was made on the gate of our garden.