6. Assessment and feedbacks

  • Students assessment:

    Students feedbacks:




    Teachers feedbacks:

    "We want to say thank you for the collaboration during this project. We’ve enjoyed the project, it was a nice experience, and now I think we’re better prepared for similar project in the future knowing more about the “pitfalls”. As we discussed, most of them are probably related to :

    1) communication

    2) not having the same expectation/agreement/understanding about what the outcome should look like.

    3) The timing is probably essential as well, it would be better to do the project earlier during the school year, to make sure both the French and Norwegian students are evaluated with a grade + for the students to get to know each other already in the beginning of the school year.

    To conclude: we’ve learned a lot about having an international project! It was an interesting experience, and we really enjoyed our meetings, where we also had the time to discuss school politics 😉 I’m glad we took the initiative to collaborate."