E23 Why is so little plastic recycled?

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    how much plastic is recycled

    In Norway today, around 30% of plastic packaging is recycled. If you look at all plastic waste as a whole, the degree of material recycling is below 25%, the estimates show. - Plastic is one of the biggest challenges of our time.

    Trash in France

    Trash : 1- green for glass
    2- yellow for plastics, cardboard
    3- Blue for paper
    4- Black or Grey for everything else
    +waste disposal
    And you ?

  • Use your forum to discuss : https://twinspace.etwinning.net/244945/forum/312840

    • thread 1 : within your group.
    • thread 2 : on scientific matters with Romain Miranda-Capet, student at Toulouse University.
    • thread 3 : on technical/artistic aspect with Tom Costigan, Art teacher at Oslo University.