E08 How can I avoid bringing home plastic packaging from the supermarket?

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    Is it ever environmentally helpful to have plastic-wrapped food to keep food from being wasted?

    is it ever environmentally helpful to have plastic-wrapped food to keep food from being wasted?

    the question is relevant to us because generally supermarkets in norway use a lot of plastic. and also people generally use plastic wrapping alot

    google doc 10/05

    you can click here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/15u1c9YY5TBLJMcwcFOUd5Wzo-ZO8iDxw3wqOHmkX2lM/edit?usp=sharing

    Canva video outline
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    • thread 2 : on scientific matters with Romain Miranda-Capet, student at Toulouse University.
    • thread 3 : on technical/artistic aspect with Tom Costigan, Art teacher at Oslo University.