E01 What are microplastics, and what kind of plastic is most likely to become a microplastic?

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    “What are microplastics, and what kind of plastic is most likely to become a microplastic?”
    Why we chose this question

    we chose this questions because its interesting to know where microplastic come from, and what it does to the world. We think it is a good question that can be discussed. We want to see the differances between France and Norway. Mainly we chose this because its very relevant today!

    link of googledoc

    Introduction (Norway)
    I/ What are microplastics (France)
    II/ what kind of plastic is most likely to
    become a microplastic (Norway)
    III/ Comparative between France and Norway
    End (France)

    Exemple of presentation
  • Use your forum to discuss : https://twinspace.etwinning.net/244945/forum/312833

    • thread 1 : within your group.
    • thread 2 : on scientific matters with Romain Miranda-Capet, student at Toulouse University.
    • thread 3 : on technical/artistic aspect with Tom Costigan, Art teacher at Oslo University.