E03 What do the numbers on the bottom of plastic products mean?

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    Witch question?

    We need to find a question for this task.

    My question idea

    The question with your agreement would be :
    What do the numbers on the bottom of plastic products mean ?

    Where does microplastics come from

    - Car tires (scraping)
    - External paint (buildings, road markings)
    - Plastic pellets
    - Synthetic fibres
    - Larger plastic products broken down

    long research publication about microplastics in seashells
    Our idea for the project

    Our idea is to write about microplastics because there are so many articles and studies about it, that it would be easy to write and make a good short film about that topic.

  • Use your forum to discuss : https://twinspace.etwinning.net/244945/forum/312835

    • thread 1 : within your group.
    • thread 2 : on scientific matters with Romain Miranda-Capet, student at Toulouse University.
    • thread 3 : on technical/artistic aspect with Tom Costigan, Art teacher at Oslo University.