Well-being questionnaire 2016-2018 FRANCE

  • The attached table gathers the results of the well-being questionnaire given right at the beginning of the project in September 2016 and right at the end of the project in June 2018. Below each chart, you may find a few recurring comments that pupils made (if a reason was only given once, it is not stated in the table). The format of the questionnaire given in June 2018 was different, and comments were not possible.


    At the beginning of the project, three topics seem to trigger the most comments: concentration, physical appearance and stress.

    The French pupils mostly have complexes, meaning they are very self-conscious, ill-at-ease with their body, but do not seem able to further explain their discomfort.

    More than half of the surveyed pupils are not able to concentrate easily on a task, and explain that they are disturbed easily, and unable to stay concentrated for a whole class period. The fact that the environment is noisy disturbs most of them when in class, whereas music and noise helps some of them to concentrate on their homework.

    70% of the pupils consider themselves as being stressed out, the main reasons mentioned are exams and being questioned or talking to others.

    A few allusions to travelling were made in comments for the question about the level of their life’s satisfaction, pupils say they would like to travel, or travel more.

    We can also see that sport was mentioned in various comments concerning the pupils’ health, physical appearance, and way of life.


    As we take a look at the results from June 2018, we can see that the pupils are generally happier with their physical appearance, more satisfied with their life.

    The effects of the project are more difficult to see in many other topics, as for most of them show improving results as well as pupils feeling less satisfied, leaving only few results with middle scores. This tendency can be seen for the question about being stressed out and concentrating on a task, but also the ones on having time for their hobbies and sleeping well. For each of these questions we can see the increasing number of pupils who answer a 5/5 as well as an increasing number of 1/5 and 2/5.

    Then, when we take a look at the measure of their health satisfaction and quantity of physical activity, we see that the values have considerably gone down. These last results may be surprising at first, considering that our project was aimed to improve the health of pupils and make them get physical activity. The way we see it, it is not that their lifestyle has drastically degraded, but we believe that when they entered the project, the pupils did not have an objective overview on themselves, and that throughout this project they have realized that their health did not allow them to participate in every activity in the way they would have liked. Moreover we think that they now perceive they are, in fact, not getting enough physical activity.

    Lastly, another circumstance has to be taken into account; the final questionnaire was answered during the exams at the end of June, which could explain some disappointing results concerning the sleep and the stress topics.