• The primary challenge of project methodology is to achieve all of the project goals and objectives while honoring the preconceived constraints. We follow the Traditional Approach to project management, which identifies a sequence of steps to be completed, such as initiation, planning, execution, monitoring & controlling and completion.

    ***Please note that each activity is tagged for the purpose of Timetable.***

    *Understanding Multiple Intelligence Theory and Implement it into our school curricula. It is important to have a deeper understanding of Gardner’s point of view to prepare integrated activities for children. Therefore, we will discuss the traditional point of view about intelligence and we discuss Gardner’s ideas on intelligences. (A1)

    *Several research shows that there is a strong correlation between teaching Maths creatively and better academic achievements in schools. Therefore throughout the span of the programme, we have activities to increase students` knowledge and abilities in reading, maths and business studies with the most popular being in a group environment and through games. There is a significant drop in the recent PISA Maths and Science scores for all partner schools that needs to be addressed. Using Mathematical games as an aid to teaching Mathematics as a vehicle for improving children`s scholastic abilities proved to be an excellent way to aid in their education. (A2)

    *Discovering Own Ideas on Intelligence & Integrated Activities: We propose to create a curriculum for Teaching Creatively in schools where the multiple intelligences and logical thinking skills give learners the ability to understand what they have read or been shown, and also to build upon that knowledge without incremental guidance  reassured us with their full support throughout the program span and beyond. We do invite students to consider the implications of multiple intelligence theory in a school setting themselves.(A3)

    *Supporting Multiple Intelligence in one Activity (A4): All students learn each day’s lesson in seven ways. They build models, dance, make collaborative decisions, create songs, solve deductive reasoning problems, read, write, and illustrate all in one school day. This is the CORE element of our project, hence will run throughout the year.
    - In the Personal Work Center (Intrapersonal Intelligence), students explore the present area of study through research, reflection, or individual projects.
    - In the Working Together Center (Interpersonal Intelligence), they develop cooperative learning skills as they solve problems, answer questions, create learning games, brainstorm ideas and discuss that day’s topic collaboratively.
    - In the Music Center (Musical Intelligence), students compose and sing songs about the subject matter, make their own instruments, and learn in rhythmical ways.
    - In the Art Center (Spatial Intelligence), they explore a subject area using diverse art media, manipulables, puzzles, charts, and pictures.
    - In the Building Center (Kinesthetic Intelligence), they build models, dramatize events, and dance, all in ways that relate to the content of that day’s subject matter.
    - In the Reading Center (Verbal/Linguistic Intelligence), students read, write, and learn in many traditional modes. They analyze and organize information in written form.
    - In the Math & Science Center (Logical/ Mathematical Intelligence), they work with math games, manipulatives, mathematical concepts, science experiments, deductive reasoning, and problem solving.

    *To promote international cooperation between schools, our pupils are encouraged to solve different tasks together with children from other schools. These assignments will help them not only to develop an adequate level of English for each, but encourage them to work closely with children from other countries and learn how to work in teams too. (A5)