1.2.4 Assessment


    ON THE PICTURE: (Link to the document-check that closed to school teachers only)

    After the end of the mobility, students were given a satisfaction survey. (Some) students out of them answered it. You can find an analysis of their results below.


    14 students answer the survey. That's about 66% of the whole. Boys answered in a greater proportion than girls (75%)

    Overall organisation was considered very satisfactory. Some pointed out that knowing when the Germans would come to Botikazar would have been better.

    Communication with teachers was also satisfactory to very satisfactory (more than 50%)

    Information given to parents and meetings to explain the activity were also very satisfactory 85% and 78% gave the maximum value to these.

    Tasks were well or very well explained and Trips were very well organized according to their opinions.

    Other results:

    • HOST FAMILIES: They felt well or very well (82%) treated by their host families and nearly all (93%) felt completely integrated. 84% of the families also prepared activities for the weekend. And knowing their host student beforehand made 64% of them feel more at ease.
    • LENGTH: Many felt the duration was OK. Others would have preferred 15 days.

    All of them would recommend the experience to other students.

    Life in Bilbao and in Erlangen

    Students also made a comparison between their hometown, Bilbao, and their guest town, Erlangen. Some of them also drew conclusions about the trip.These are some of their comments:

    Diary Excerpts - Differences Bilbao_Erlangen & Final Conclusions.pdf



    Our overall assesment is quite satisfactory. Visits were accomplished as scheduled with the only change of Bamberg instead of Nürnberg, but that didn't influence the program.

    Host teachers and school were really helpful. No students or family had any problems, everything went as scheduled.

    COVID measures, although a nuisance, didn't influence in the actvities. Nobody tested positive in any of the frequent tests.

    Presentations and final products were made in time and adequately.

    Travelling ocurred with no delays or other problems. Families and students showed their satisfaction.