1.2.1 Aims

  • ERLANGEN 2021-2022


    Information about the learning mobility


    School Education

    Activity type:




    Start date:


    End date:


    Participants’ profile

    Students of 1st year Baccalaureate (Post obligatory secondary education), aged 16-17, mainly girls (17 out of 21). Studying at trilingual groups (education in Basque, English and Spanish and competent in these three languages, some of them studying a fourth language (French or German). Most (19) also taking part on an eTwinning project. Mixed ability groups and varied interests. Most aiming towards university studies in 2 years’ time. Interested in our internationalization program.


    Sending Organization

    Organisation name:

    IES Botikzar BHI


    Botikazar Ibarra 1, 48014 Bilbao-Basque Country (Spain)

    Hosting organisation

    Organisation name:

    Albert-Schweitzer-Gymnasium Erlangen


    Dompfaffstr. 111,  91056 Erlangen-Bayern (Germany)




    All our exchanges take place in different cities, high schools and dates but with something in common: They share the following aims:

    1. Getting to know about the culture, customs and idiosincrasy of another European city through activities otside the school environment

    2. Getting and organizing the information into a meaningful project, presenting it to the rest of the students involved in the exchange

    3. Working in a team

    4. Understanding the similarities and differences between our city and the partner cities

    5. Living with a host family abroad and hosting a foreign student at home for a fortnight

    6. The language of communication is, in all cases, English



    Gure elkartruke guztiak institutuekin, hiri eta data desberdinetan egiten ditugu. Hala ere, denek partekatzen dute zerbait: honako helburu hauek

    1. Europako beste hiri baten kultura, ohiturak eta idiosinkrasia ezagutzea, eskola-testuingurutik kanpoko jardueren bidez

    2. Informazioa proiektu batean antolatzea eta elkartrukean parte hartzen duten gainerakoei aurkeztea

    3. Taldean lan egitea

    4. Gure hiriaren eta hiri elkartuen arteko antzekotasunak eta desberdintasunak ulertzea

    5. Harrera-familia batekin bizitzea eta ikasle atzerritar bat hartzea bi astez

    6. Komunikazio-hizkuntza ingelesa da kasu guztietan.



    Todos nuestros intercambios se realizan en ciudades, con institutos y en fechas diferentes. No obstante, todos comparten algo: los siguientes objetivos…

    1. Conocer la cultura, costumbres e idiosincrasia  de otra ciudad europea a través de actividades fuera del contexto escolar

    2. Organizar la información en un proyecto y presentarlo al resto de los participantes en el intercambio

    3. Trabajar en equipo

    4. Entender las similitudes y diferencias entre nuestra ciudad y las ciudades asociadas

    5. Vivir con una familia de acogida y acoger a un alumno extranjero durante dos semanas

    6. La lengua vehicular en todos los casos es el inglés


    Document of Exchange Aims (restricted to school members only)