JANUARY 2022:

    1. Let's get to know each other!

    • The participants in the project (students and teachers) will present themselves in a unique way, offering some information about family, friends, leisure activities, passions, etc. The presentation forms are free to choose from! We offer some suggestions: short compositions, digital photo albums, drawings, video ... or the use of digital applications such as ChatterPix Kids.
    • Unrolling a brainstorming session on the significance of environmental responsibility, using the application

    2. Natural beauty

    The partner schools will jointly create an illustrative calendar using the application, in which they will insert the most beautiful and significant natural landscapes in their country.

    FEBRUARY 2022:

    3. Looking for a logo ...

    A competition will be organized at the level of the partner schools and at the level of the partnership, for the choice of the most representative logo for the project.

    4. ECO CARNIVAL - a parade of costumes made of recyclable materials.

    MARCH 2022:

    5. The environment in my community

    Students will make short themed multimedia materials (video, pp., Digital photo album ...) about the green areas in their locality; they will make decorative objects, using natural materials, they will compose slogans for saving and rational use of water, and they will make exhibitions of photographs, drawings, paintings.

    6. Water - the essence of life

    Students will compose slogans for saving and rational use of water, and they will make exhibitions of photographs, posters, drawings, and paintings.

    APRIL 2022:

    7. Endangered plant and animal species

    Students will learn about endangered animal and plant species in their country and what measures are being taken nationally to protect them.

    All partners will work together to create a mini digital atlas with the most affected species in their country.

    8. Blue and green - the celebration of Earth Day by making decorative objects, collages, or painting in the two colors, together with their colleagues, as many elements of nature as possible, using different web 2.0 tools (,

    9. Partners will write together an acrostic, PROTECT OUR PLANET!        
    Students will make short videos with their sentences and then they will add them to the twinboard. In the end, we will bring all videos together.

    10. The garden in the schoolyard - practical works for arranging and planting flowers, cleaning the green spaces...

    MAY 2022:

    11. Nature is my friend!

    Students will create literary compositions (poems and stories). An ebook with beautiful creations will be made through common work between all partners.

    Also, students will make decorative objects, using natural or recycling materials

    12.  Environmental health is our health! - activities dedicated to the International Environment Day (information campaigns on the sustainable use of natural resources, production and distribution of leaflets, flyers, meetings with representatives of organizations with complementary activities to the theme of the project ...)

    13. Dissemination of relevant aspects and project results on schools' websites and their Facebook pages or within the school boards, in mass media...

    14. Evaluation and analysis of the impact produced at the level of each partner school by applying an evaluation questionnaire, analysis, and interpretation of the results.


    - creating a project logo;

    - behavioral changes in the attitude towards the environment;

    - ebook with students' literary compositions;

    - mini-atlas with information and images about endangered plant and animal species in partner countries;

    - thematic decorative objects and multimedia materials;

    - questionnaires or other forms of progress verification and project monitoring/evaluation;

    - increasing the motivation to study English;

    - developing students' vocabulary and communication, digital skills, and creativity;

    - Improving the school results of the students involved in the project;

    - increasing the prestige of partner schools in their communities and at the European level;

    - knowledge and comparison of lifestyles and education, of national environmental protection policies practiced in the partner countries.