PARTNERS (on the zeemaps)

  • Dear partners,

     Please, click on the link below and add your school on zeemaps!

    How to add your school? 

    Click the link - click additions - click add marker-detailed, write the name of your school in the Entry Name box, write your school address in the Location box,  add a photo of your school, a briefly description and choose the color you want in the Marker box and in the end... click submit box! 

  • ACTIVITIES (here you can post images during adding your school on zeemap)

    Emilia Ciocan - Scoala Gimnaziala Lucian Grigorescu - Medgidia - Romania

    Our school on zeemaps...

    Elena Alexandra Gorovei - Scoala Gimnaziala "I.L. Caragiale" - Medgidia - Romania


    Fatma Sağlam-Eğe Sanayi Primary School-İstanbul-TURKEY

    Our school on zeemaps

    Helen Gyrelli- Primary School of Ippeios, Lesvos, Greece

    Our school on zeemaps

    Sibel Altinőz - KARDELEN ORTAOKULU - Yalova - Turkey

    Our school on zeemaps

    Klaipėdos Vitės progimnazija

    Our school on zeemaps

    Anna Durante - I.C Francesco Riso Isola delle Femmine - Italy

    Our school on zeemaps...