CEIP Rectora Adelaida de la Calle (Málaga)_curricular integration

  • In CEIP Rectora Adelaida de la Calle (Málaga-Spain) we work following Project Based Learning. Therefore, along the school year we may have a long project or shorter ones. During the school year 2021/2022 in the first course of the first cycle I designed a project called 'Viajeros solidarios' for which I planned and integrated the eTwinning project We are ECO-friends for the areas of Natural Science (2 hours a week), Social Science (1.5 hours a weekand English (3 hours a week).

    In the following document you may find the education law which regulates our curriculum in the autonomous community of Andalucía (Spain) specifying the contents, assessment criteria, the learning outcomes to be assessed for the different areas and the basic competences associated to them (The document is in Spanish in order to be shown to the families when the project is introduced to them):