5.1. Analyzing our surroundings

  • In this section, each group need to analyze their school's surroundings and find some environmental problems we can help to improve.

    Take a picture of the problem (pollution, recycling, abandoned animals, wasting water, ...) and upload it to the twinboard together with a label or short description of what the problem is for other project members to understand it.


    Upload your pictures to the twinboard until the 9th May.



  • Environmental problems close to my school.

    Primary school Zlatar Bistrica, Croatia

    The main environmental problem is plastic in nature. Near our school is a gas station and plastic ends at a nearby meadow and in our small stream Bukovec.

    Year 3 - Floriana Primary, Malta

    Water Scarcity

    Year 4 Floriana Primary, Malta

    Floriana is a suburb of the capital city, Valletta. The main street of Floriana (St. Anne Street) is the busiest street in Malta because lots of vehicles enter Valletta. This street is near our school. The buildings show the effects of pollution.

    Year 2 - Floriana Primary, Malta

    Litter can be seen all around our school as papers and plastic bottles are thrown on the ground. After the feast lots of papers are thrown which litters the area.

    Abandoned animals_ Málaga (Spain)

    In our surroundings, apart from the problems all of you have mentioned, we have a real problem with abandoned animals. There are plenty of dogs and cats who live in shelters because they are 'bought and used' as toys or presents and when they grow up, people abandon them.