• After doing the BEFORE WE START activities, here you are the activities we will have to develop every month for our project:


    • Locate your school in the Zeemap you will find in 2.1 section. To do so, at the top of the page, go to ADDITIONS and select ADD MARKER - DETAILED. Complete the information, choose a colour for your marker and save the changes.
    • We need to choose a logo for our project. To do so, every group will propose a maximum of 5 designs and will upload them to the LOGOS' folder for Cristina Díaz to create a poll. You will find information about deadlines to upload the designs as well as the deadline for every partner to vote for its favourite in 2.2. section.


    • In this section we will gather some videos and materials related to the use of water, the water cycle, how not to waste water... Each project partner will upload an audiovisual material in English (found on the Net) related to the topic and adequate for our pupils (6-8 years old) and an activity related to the material uploaded.
    • After revising all the material uploaded, each group will create their own video on one of the aspects dealt in this section and will uploaded to the corresponding section for all the project partners to vote for the most interesting and useful one.
    • There will be a final quiz on the topic for all the pupils to take part in an online meeting.


    • This month we will need to get some seeds, plant them, look after them and see how they grow. Document (with photos/videos) all the process and gather the basic vocabulary in a booklet/online presentation/interactive image you will share with other project partners. 
    • Each group will prepare a set of 10 vocabulary flashcards related to animals (features and characteristics) with a drawing and the word. These flashcards can include both, the drawing and the word on the same page or creating a double set: one with pictures/drawings and another one with words to play a match-game. Each group will choose the way in which they want to create the set and share it with the other project partners (online tools are also an option)
    • Each group will choose 5 animals (vertebrates), ideally from different groups (mammals, fish, birds, reptiles, amphibians) and prepare a booklet/online presentation/interactive image with drawings and a short description (in 3-4 sentences) of them (how they look like, where they live or what they eat)
    • After revising all the materials created and uploaded to the Twinspace by the different groups, we will have a final quiz on the topic.


    • The final part of our project will be developed to analyze our surroundings. Each group will take pictures or videos of problems related to the environment, animals, plants, pollutions, recycling ... in their areas and will upload them into the corresponding section with a short description or a simple label (pollution, recycling, abandoned animals...) for other project members to be aware of them.
    • There will be a poll to choose the cause we want to help to improve from our project. Once we have chosen one problem to focus on, all the project members will design an advertising campaign (posters, slogans and some pictures or drawings) to make people aware of the problem.
    • Finally, if there is any social initiative (an NGO or any other realiable association) related to the cause, we will share that initiative in our schools to support it.