A total of 78 stories were handed in ......
and 24 made it to the semifinals
We collected the stories again on two different padlets
EOI Hospitatel & EOI Pamplona - best 6 stories for each school
EOI Hospitalet & EOI Girona- best 6 stories for each school
And we used another google forms to vote the best 6 stories out of each PADLET. At this point, we asked other B1 and B2.2 teachers (external to the project) to get involved and we had other groups take part in the voting process:
Each of the teachers involved in the project would ask two work colleagues to provide their students with episode and let them vote the best stories.
We started making some dissemination of the project in each of the schools, with posters, and catchy messages, and we gave the following message to the new groups involved: Letter of Invitation.