PART 2: Work on Oral Narrative Skills: Storytelling

  • Working on the Art of Storytelling 


    At this stage, only one teacher  at EOI Hospitalet was able to continue with the project (See Assessment). Therefore, this part of the project could  not be done as we had initially planned: There would not be any competition between schools. However,  one of the blended groups at EOI  Hospitalet was still motivated to move on with the project and,  after discussing it with them, we all decided to do it anyway and we arranged to have a competition between all those who were willing to take part and practice on the Art of Storytelling. Here's a little summary of what we did to help students perform better.

    1. Analize some good models and listen to some professional storytellers:


    Vanessa Wolf storytelling                 Diane Ferlatte: Brer Rabbit's Dance

       with Reception Class 

     2. Discuss these models, do some further research online, and work on some Tips




    3. Practice Telling Stories in class


    4. Recording these stories in a forum in our  Moodle Class

    As it was a Q&A forum, they could not listen to the other stories until they had submitted their own. Once they did that, they could listen to all the participants. In this way, we had the very same story told by different storytellers and we could discuss together in class what worked best and why! We choose the crocrodile story, as it had an extra element of fun and mystery,   which is always good for telling stories.

    5. Start preparing their own story for Sant Jordi's competition & Send an audio version for the teacher to give them some feedback.


    This time, as it was the story they would submit for the competition,  they were asked to send in their audio story through an assignment. This way no one else,  other than the teacher,  had acces to it.  They were given some feedback and some corrections on their pronunciation. Not everyone took advantage of this opportunity.

    6. They polished their final version of the story and they sumitted it as a video using Flipgrid.





      And Sant Jordi arrived