1.6 4everwild NEWS

  • Why 4everwild NEWS?

    Because ...

    1. it is important for children to become aware of some of the events happening in the world around them, for their own learning and development as a citizen in our society

    2.Kids can stay in touch with the community and world

    3. Kids become better readers and listeners. 

    4. What goes on around us effects our lives and those we care about.

    5. Knowledge also equips us to stand up for others that may not have a voice for example all the endangered animals and our environment.

    Let's upload the news we find below these page, using aTwinBoard.

    1. Write the title

    2. summarize the piece of news in our project's communicative language: English

    3. Add an image/ video if possible



    Just click and enjoy this cooperative Quizziz 

    - Each country have created 3/4 questions to be played during a common challenge


    first week of February

    We have learnt a lot about endangered animals.

    Some pupils from Navàs give their opinion:

    - " We have discovered some animals that we did not know such as Pangolin" Aran

    - It is amazing to learn about how many animals are endangered and threated to extinction" Pol

    - " The most sad thing for me is there are only 30 Vaquitas in the wild" , Abel


    Students found the activity hard but really interesting. They learnt lots of things. Here you can see them translating the researches done during the Christmas holidays in English with the help of thier teacher.








  • NEWS we find related to endangered animals and environmental issues.

    Giant panda manages to reproduce in a French zoo

    Giant panda are able to reproduce only every two years. The Beauval zoo has a program to study giant panda's reproduction. 2 twin baby pandas were born during the summer and on the 11th december they are allowed to go out

    Why does the giant panda eat so much ?

    He eats very low energy food so he needs to eat a lot of bamboo and to spend lot of time eating.

    Elephants are not an ornament

    Let's stop treating the elephants as an ornament!
    The NGO WWF is publishing messages to foster the awareness about the importance of not hunting and poaching animals anymore.

    Guillem v. (CAT)

    Cheetahs situation is "extremely critical"; only 12 left in Iran

    The Iranian Deputy Minister of the Environment warned that there are only 12 cheetahs left, while in 2017 there were around 50, in addition, he affirmed that the situation of this endangered feline is "extremely critical."

    abel cat

    El hámster europeo y la ballena franca del Atlántico Norte están entre las nuevas especies en peligro crítico de extinción(The European hamster and the North Atlantic right whale are among the new critically endangered species

    Poachers kill 24 rhinos in two weeks in South Africa

    Poachers in South Africa killed at least 24 rhinos in two weeks
    Jan Simó cat

    Kill rhinos for their horn to make medicine

    Rhinos are hunted for their horns, which are then powreded and used in medicines in some parts of Asia. More than 94% of rhinos have disappeared. As a solution, some park rangers are cutting horns to stop them from being killed.
    Jara Santmiquel.cat


    The accelerating melting of the Himalayan glaciers threatens the water supply of millions of people in Asia, new research warns. The study concludes that over recent decades the Himalayan glaciers have lost ice ten times more quickly over the last few decades than on average since the last major glacier expansion 400-700 years ago, a period known as the Little Ice Age.

    Are bees on the brink of extinction?

    The consequences of the extinction of species can be more serious than it may appear at first glance. In fact, if the endangered bees disappeared, it would be catastrophic for the environment. Bees are essential for human beings because, directly or indirectly, they depend on it for food.


    Koalas are in serious decline suffering from the effecs of habitat destruction, domestic dog attacks, bushfires and road accidents. The Australian koala foundation estimates that there are less than 100,000 koalas left in the wild,possibly as few as 43,000. Júia c.cat

    Polar Bear

    The future of the polar bear, the king of the Arctic and the most voracious predator on earth, is darker than ever, according to conservationists and environmentalists, who warn that global warming could end bear habitat in the coming decades.

    Júlia B. Cat

    wild boars cross roads and disturb humans

    Lately, wild boars are causing a lot of accidents on the road. They also stop cars so they can cross the road.

    Marc c.(Cat)

    Tasmanian Devil

    Between 1996 and 2008, the population of Tasmanian devils dropped some 60% due a contagious cancer known as Devil Facial Tumour Disease. Which only occurs on the Australian island of Tasmania. There may only be 10,000 wild individuals.

    Miquel C.cat

    The mountain’s gorilla

    The mountain’s gorilla, one of the largest primates in the world, is in danger of extinction. This mammal, like the lynx, is highly threatened, to the point that its conservation status is critically endangered. In fact, it is one of the endangered species according to the IUCN red list.
    Anna (CAT)

    Loggerhead turtle

    This large reptile is illegal to capture, harm or kill . One of the reason that it is in in danger of extinction is because of the pollution of the marine environment: each year, large numbers of loggerhead turtles become entangled in marine discarded fishing nets, ropes or plastics that cause serious injury and even death to the animal. In addition, turtles ingest plastic materials when they mistake them for food, which can lead to the death of the animal or affect its reproductive capacity .
    Laura (CAT)


    The nort pole is warming three times as fast than in the rest of the world.
    Global warming is causing Artic ice to melt. More animal especies are becoming extinct for the effects of climate change in the habitats they live, like the polar bear.
    Ona lopez. Cat

    Pol (cat)


    India announces last Thursday release 50 cheetahs in his territory in the next five years, part of a project that seeks to reintroduce this extinct species in the Asian continent for seventy years, and that will begin in the next months with the first specimens

    The gray whale lost in the Mediterranean is dying in Mallorca

    The young gray whale Wally (so called), eight meters long and native to the Pacific, dies on the beach of Santa Ponsa, a tourist town in Mallorca that this Thursday has risen with the huge cetacean swimming on the coast. The same animal was seen in Ibiza three days ago.

    POLAR BEAR (Arnau: cat)

    You know that the most endangered animal is the polar bear. The cause is the melting of the poles . The sad ting is that only there are 22.000 polar bears in the planet earth, thats sad but its what it is


    Polar bears are the largest species of bear, and as their name suggests, they only live above
    Arctic Circle, in countries such as Canada, Norway and Russia or Greenland (Denmark). The
    Recent studies show that there are fewer and fewer: in ten years, the number has decreased by one
    14%, that is, if ten years ago there were, for example, one hundred polar bears, now there are eighty-six. According to scientists, the culprit is global warming, which causes Arctic ice
    is falling apart. This warming is caused by the pollution caused by cars, the
    trucks or some factories.

    Laia Cat.


    More than half of the world turtles and tortoises species are now threatened with extinction

    IBEX ALPINE-Mattia bobbio-italy

    The alpine ibex, powerful and mighty with his giant horns, is endangered because it is not at the proper temperature., Due to climate change, it is not cold enough for him..

    THE FLAMINGO - Andrea-Italy-Bobbio

    The flamingo belongs to one of the oldest families of birds.
    This species flies in large groups.
    Pink flamingos suffer from habitat deterioration due to pollution, noise disturbance, destruction of eggs and babies by animals
    In some countries of the southern Mediterranean basin they are also killed, or captured and sold in markets.
    In Sardinia there have been several incidents of collisions with power lines.



    The Vaquita lives in the Gulf of California and it is the smallest species on the earth: less then 30 specimens remain . This happens because it is accidentally traps in the nets used to capture the tobaba fish .Being a cetacean, it needs to breathe.The wwf and other associations think that the only way to save the vaquita is banning fishing in its habitat, otherwise it will become extinct.

    KOALA - Davide bobbio italy

    The koala is on the verge of extinction because in recent years its natural habitat, namely the eucalyptus forests in Australia, is being devastated. due to climate change and also for some diseases caused by pollution. Only 35 thousand koalas remain in Australia.
    Australian environmentalists have appealed to the Australian government to take drastic action to save the koala population

    Elephant - Alice Bobbio Italy

    There are 3 species of elephant and they’re all endangered, especially due to the leak of their natural habitat. Another cause is the poaching for illegal trade of their fangs .In the covid period poaching has increased due to poor surveillance.

    SNOW LEOPARD -Gabriel-bobbio-italy

    The snow leopard is a big cat resistant to the cold of the highlands. It mainly lives in Himalayas, Nepal and Kashmir. It is a solitary hunter, capable of excellent camouflage and able to jump several meters. It is endangered because it is hunted for its fur and for the bones of the young, used in the chinese medicine.

    CHINESE PANGOLIN - Sofi f Bobbio Italy

    The Chinese pangolin lives in some savannahs and in some forests in southern and western ChinaUnfortunately their armour does not protect them from the humans. The Chinese pangolins are in fact the most smuggled mammals in the world and for this reason they are at high risk of extinction.

    The pangolins are killed and sold especially in China and Vietnam, where their scales are used as traditional remedy against arthritis and gastric disorders. Young pangolins are instead used as principal ingredients for very expensive soups.

    PTARMIGAN -Romeo bobbio italy

    The ptarmigan is on the verge of extinction due to global warming, reduced high-altitude grazing, but also due to often unsustainable tourism that disturbs these birds in their natural habitat

    VAQUITA Francesco - Italy - Bobbio

    The Vaquita is a rare species of porpoise from the Sea of Cortez in the Gulf of California. Its existence is endangered by totoaba fishing with which it shares its habitat. This rare marine fish is considered a delicacy in China, where its swim bladders sell for thousands of dollars a kilo. The vaquita is a victim of the so-called accidental catches, that is, it remains imprisoned inside the nets used to fish totoaba.Today, less than ten specimens are thought to survive and The Mexican government has decided to suspend the protection of the vaquita, reopening to the fishing.

    Orango of Borneo - Luca Italy Bobbio

    One of the main reasons for the extinction of the Borneo Orangutan is deforestation. The lack of the natural habitat, pushes the primates to invade agricultural areas to get food, thus risking being killed.

    Flora Italy Bobbio

    Java rhino

    The Java rhino is endangered at a critical level because only 73/74 specimens are alive.
    2 Java rhino cubs have been spotted,
    in the Rainforest of Indonesia and this is a beautiful news that brings hope to this species.

    The Java rhinos are endangered due to men, deforestation, habitat loss and poaching for their horns.

    "Polar bears are vulnerable" byBenedetta&Louisiana (Chieti_Italy)

    Polar bears live on sea ice hunting. But because of the loss of their sea ice habitat due to climate change, polar bears are now in danger of extinction. Their habitat is not anymore suitable for them, the temperature is too high for them and they have not very much food.

    Chimpanzees are in danger! by Elena, Emi and Esia (Chieti_Italy)

    Wild chimpanzees face a very high risk of extinction in the near future due to threats such as hunting, habitat loss and degradation due to industrial logging and agricultural expansion, and disease. Chimpanzees are hunted for bushmeat.

    Sea turtles and the risk of extinction by Emanuele, Cristiano, Riccardo, Denis

    Nearly all species of sea turtle are now classified as endangered, with three of the seven existing species being critically endangered. Killed for their eggs, meat, skin, and shells, sea turtles suffer from poaching. They also face habitat destruction and pollution and capture. Climate change has an impact on turtle nesting sites; it alters sand temperatures. We can adopt turtles if we want to save them!

    Great white shark by Cristiano (Chieti_Italy)

    The great white shark is the world's largest known predatory fish. It has 300 teeth. The shark’s heavy, torpedo-shaped body allows it to cruise efficiently for long periods of time. It feeds on a broad spectrum of prey, from small fish, such as halibut, to large seals and dolphins. Great white sharks are decreasing in numbers and are rare due to hunting by man for fins and teeth, and often as a trophy for sport fishing.

    Vaquitas risk of extinction Sofia, Giulia (Chieti_Italy)

    The vaquita is the smallest cetacean. It lives only in the Gulf of California, where there are just 30 animals left. The original population in the 1930s was estimated to be around 5,000 individuals strong. In the 1990s, that number had declined to about 700. But in recent years, the population has declined at a dramatic rate. Between 2011 and 2016, the population has declined by 90%. A reduced inflow of nutrients and pollution are the main reasons of risk.

    Asian elephants poached for their horns! by Emanuele and Denis

    The biggest threat to Asian elephants is habitat loss and fragmentation. Asia is the most populous continent on Earth, where development and economic growth have led to invade with houses and buildings the places where elephants live. This has led to an average of 70% of elephants being found outside protected areas today. Elephants are poached primarily for ivory, and rhinos for their horns. Poaching can contribute to extinction. It can also have a tremendous impact on the environment.

    SUMATRAN elephants

    The sumatran elephants are endangered due to the loss of their habitat. Losing their natural habitat, sometimes they go into populated areas to look for food, and for this reason they’re attacked and killed by farmers. Some of them are also poisoned or killed by poachers to get the ivory in their tusks. Sumatran elephants could become extinct in less than 30 years if measures are not taken to slow down deforestation.

  • We learned about endangered animals thanks to: - Our personal Research - Reading the News from our partners from the 4 different schools - Playing the Quizziz game online. Now it is time to give your opinion about all these activities
    1. I learned a lot and I had great frun!
    21 votes (65.63%)
    2. I learned and I enjoyed
    11 votes (34.38%)
    3. I did not understand, so I only enjoyed the activity a little
    0 votes (0%)
    4. I didn't like the activity because it was too difficult
    0 votes (0%)