Song voting for orchestration

  • Song voting for orchestration
    Can't stop the feeling
    3 votes (37.50%)
    Hapiness song
    0 votes (0%)
    Sebe allah ye
    3 votes (37.50%)
    If you are happy and you know it
    0 votes (0%)
    My happy song
    0 votes (0%)
    What a wonderful world
    0 votes (0%)
    1 vote (12.50%)
    Clap clap song
    1 vote (12.50%)
  • Snapshots from the voting in the class plenary

    31st Kindergarten of Thessaloniki 2nd Class Greece

    Vote the song

    Kindergarten of Piperia Pella Greece

    Voting song and dancing and playing music

    1st Liti's Kindergarten, Greece

    Voting for our favorite song!

    1st Kindergarten Prosotsani

    We listened to the songs, danced and voted what we liked best

    Chisavgi's kindergarten

    Voting our favorite song

    Kindergarten No. 226 Poland


    Maria Kleidara - 4o Nipiagogeio Kilkis

    Voting the song we prefer

    SP 16 im. T. Halika Warsaw

    Voting song