The item_Taj Mahal model

  • The 4th group of partner schools


    solves the riddle and reveals the item that Phileas Fogg was talking about!


    It's a Taj Mahal model, a souvenir from India! 


    What have our partners prepared for us? Let's find it out by watching this presentation

  • Our tasks about architecture, models, buildings and souvenirs

    Solving the 4th riddle

    1st Kindergarten Prosotsani,
    31st Kindergarten of Thessaloniki
    and 1st Liti's Kindergarten
    met online and solved the 4th riddle!!!

    We paint the Taj Mahal... to solve the 4th riddle

    31st Kindergarten of Thessaloniki 2n Class, 1st Kindergarten Prosotsani, 1st Liti's Kindergarten

    1st Kindergarten Prosotsani

    1st Kindergarten Prosotsani, 31st Kindergarten of Thessaloniki and 1st Liti's Kindergarten met online to solve the riddle

    Kindergarten of Piperia, Pella, Greece

    We learn about monuments and see souvenirs from different countries

    1st Kindergarten Prosotsani

    We saw the presentation and souvenirs from around the world

    Chisavgi's kindergarten

    Solving the 4th riddle

    Chisavgi's kindergarten

    We learn about souvenirs and the architecture of the great monuments that Pfileas Fogg met on his trip.

    Chisavgi's kindergarten

    We studied how bridges are made and made our own.

    Chisavgi's kindergarten

    We voted our favorite monument and consruct it!

    Chisavgi's kindergarten

    We had a lot of fun making buildings on line.

    Chisavgi's kindergarten

    We saw many different types of houses and using materials from the class we tried to make some.

    Chisavgi's kindergarten

    Our Taj Mahal!

    1st Liti's Kindergarten, Greece

    Learning about architecture, monuments and souvenirs...

    1st Liti's Kindergarten, Greece

    Monuments and geometry!

    1st Liti's Kindergarten, Greece

    We became architects and built our own monuments from bricks!

    1st Liti's Kindergarten, Greece

    Around the world... with a camera!

    1st Kindergarten Prosotsani

    Our Taj Mahal!

    Chisavgi's kindergarten

    We had a lot of fun playing games on line!

    Maria Kleidara - 4o Nipiagogeio Kilkis


    Maria Kleidara - 4o Nipiagogeio Kilkis


    1st Kindergarten Prosotsani

    Stem bridge building