The missions

  • The groups of partner schools that will collaborate and accomplish the challenges for the 5th item (Musical instruments) are:

    and the final mission is a surprise as you can see below

    (click the image)



  • The riddles of musical instruments for our collaborators

    Chisavgi's kindergarten

    We send our riddle to 1st Kindergarten Prosotsani

    31st Kindergarten of Thessaloniki - 2nd Class - Greece

    We send our riddle to KIndergarten of Piperia

    Kindergarten of Piperia Pella Greece

    The riddle for the musical instrument that we send to the 31st Kindergarten of Thessaloniki (2nd Class)

    Kindergarten of Piperia Pella Greece

    We recited and solved the problem sent to us by the 2ndvclass of the 31st Kindergarten of Thessaloniki

    31st Kindergarten of Thessaloniki - 2nd Class - Greece

    We solved the riddle sent to us bu Kindergarten of Piperia

    1st Kindergarten Prosotsani

    We solved the riddle sent to us the Kindergarten of Chrisavgi

    Maria Kleidara - 4o Nipiagogeio Kilkis

    This is the RIDDLE for our friends to solve it. Edyta are you and your students ready?

    Maria Kleidara - 4o Nipiagogeio Kilkis

    And here a puzzle for the riddle we made for students of Mrs Edyta

    SP 16 im. T. Halika Warsaw

    And this is a riddle for students of Mrs Maria :-)
    Edyta Karwowska

    1st Liti's Kindergarten, Greece

    Our riddle for our polish friends!

    Kindergarten No. 226 Poland

    We send our riddle to 1 Liti's Kindergarten Greece

    1st Liti's Kindergarten, Greece

    We solved our friends' riddle and crafted.... castanets DIY and 3d ones!

    1st Liti's Kindergarten, Greece
    Kindergarten No. 226 Poland

    Our soluttion