The item_an ivory tusk

  • The 2nd group of partner schools

    solves the next riddle and reveals the 2nd item that Phileas Fogg was talking about!

    It's an ivory tusk!


    What have our partners prepared for us? Let's find it out by watching this presentation!


  • Our tasks relevant to ivory...

    Kindergarten No. 226 Poland

    Riddle solved

    Maria Kleidara - 4o Nipiagogeio Kilkis - Kindergarten No. 226 Poland - 1st Liti's Kindergarten, Greece

    The solution of the second riddle online

    Chrisavgi's Kindergarten

    Riddle solved

    31st Kindergarten of Thessaloniki - 2nd Class - Greece

    The Orient Express

    1st Kindergarten Prosotsani

    Trying to solve the riddle

    Chrisavgi's Kindergarten
    Chrisavgi's Kindergarten
    Chrisavgi's Kindergarten
    Kindergarten of Piperia, Pella, Greece

    As we solve the riddle and reveal the image with ivory

    1st Liti's Kindergarten, Greece

    Solving the riddle...

    1st Liti's Kindergarten, Greece

    Learning about elephants, tusks and ivory...

    1st Liti's Kindergarten, Greece

    Learning about transportation means...

    1st Liti's Kindergarten, Greece

    Playing transportation games...

    1st Liti's Kindergarten, Greece

    Our crafts....

    1st Liti's Kindergarten, Greece


    1st Liti's Kindergarten, Greece

    Playing bingo and chess without using ivory pawns or dice!

    1st Liti's Kindergarten, Greece

    Travelling with Orient Express...