The item_a pocket watch

  • The 3rd group of partner schools

    solves the riddle and reveals the item that Phileas Fogg was talking about!

    Partner schools assemble three puzzles and put them together to create the painting that is revealed and has the title: Salvador Dali Inspired Painting, Watching Time by k Madison Moore 

    What have our partners prepared for us? Let's find it out by watching this presentation! 



  • Our tasks about pocket watch

    Kindergarten No. 226 Poland

    Our meeting with friends form Greece

    1st Kindergarten Prosotsani

    The riddle was solved in collaboration with the children of the kindergarten of Piperia and the children from Poland

    Chrisavgi's Kindergarten
    Chrisavgi's Kindergarten
    Chrisavgi's Kindergarten
    Chrisavgi's Kindergarten
    Chrisavgi's Kindergarten
    1st Liti's Kindergarten, Greece

    Solving the 3rd riddle

    1st Liti's Kindergarten, Greece

    Learning about the watch

    1st Liti's Kindergarten, Greece

    Clock... watch.... pocket watch....

    1st Liti's Kindergarten, Greece

    Our sundial clock

    1st Liti's Kindergarten, Greece

    Different time in different countries...

    1st Liti's Kindergarten, Greece

    Experimenting with hourglasses...

    31st Kindergarten of Thessaloniki - 2nd Class - Greece

    Pocket Watch - Sundial

    1st Kindergarten Prosotsani

    We paint with the hourglass for timer

    1st Kindergarten Prosotsani

    Learning about the watch

    Kindergarten of Piperia, Pella, Greece

    Measuring time

    1st Kindergarten Prosotsani

    Our sundial clock

    1st Kindergarten Prosotsani

    Pocket watch

    Chisavgi's kindergarten

    Building a clock and learn to recognize the name of full hours.

    Chisavgi's kindergarten
    Maria Kleidara - 4o Nipiagogeio Kilkis

    Pocket watch

    Kindergarten of Piperia Pella Greece

    Learning about time and clock

    Kindergarten of Piperia Pella Greece

    Online meeting for solving the riddle about pocket watch. Collaborating schools: Kindergarten of Piperia, 1st Kindergarten of Prosotsani & Kindergarten No226 from Poland