The Student's Meeting 2

  • 1. Greetings - video presentation of the project 
    2. Each school presents its review of participation in the project 
    (During the presentation, each school shares its screen)
    •    OŠ Oton Iveković
    •    IC Montalto Uffugo, Italy
    •    OŠ Sesvetska Sela
    •    OŠ Zlatar
    •    OŠ Bedekovčina
    •    OŠ SUVAG

    3. Quiz 
    4. Mentimeter 
    5. Goodbye!


    Video presentation of the project 


    Each school presents its review of participation in the project 

    OŠ Otona Ivekovića

    IC Montalto Uffugo, Italy


    OŠ Ante Kovačića Zlatar

    Zoom artwinning - predstavljanje zadatka.docx


    OŠ Bedekovičina


    OŠ Sesvetska Sela





