JANUARY - FEBRUARY (Carnival's activities clicking in the title)

  • January is a new beginning for everyone.

    We have a choice about how we use it.


    We have fun in February In Slovakia, Hromnice and Fašiangy and Carnival begin. We also made masks. And we had fun.

    In Manzanares, Carnival starts a little later, but together with our partners we have decided to celebrate it this way...


  • Carnival begins!!!

    Carnival coming soon

    First, we made paper masks from newspapers, glue and paints and other things. We are looking forward to carnival.

    Carnival in Smolenice

    We made our masks

    Carnival in Smolenice

    We made and made....

    Carnival in Smolenice

    We made it...

    Carnival in Smolenice

    We are the masks


    So we had the best Carnival in the school club. It was great. We had fun!


    Carnival in Smolenice


    Carnival in Smolenice

    Recycled Carnival in Manzanares

    In our project we take advantage of any moment to reduce, reuse and recycle, so we thought together with our colleagues from Smolenice that carnival could also be one of those moments.
    Here we show you how we have approached itOur presentation is made with the APP "Canva".
    Click on the picture and enjoy our video!!!

  • What did you think of the activities proposed during the months of January-February?
    They have been very productive, entertaining and eye-catching.
    5 votes (100.00%)
    They were good, but I would have changed some of them.
    0 votes (0%)
    I didn't like them, they were boring.
    0 votes (0%)