
  • All persons participating in this project, as well as all that they wish to publish in this Twinspace, must comply with the following fundamental principles:

    1. Open your mind and respect the opinions of others. Perhaps they can complement your own.

    2. Be respectful of the activities of all colleagues. They are all done with the best intentions of achieving optimal objectives.

    3. Try to be tolerant, even if you do not share the same views as other colleagues, regarding the approach to certain ideas and activities.

    4. It is important to be friendly and polite, as most of the time we will be working with people we hardly know, or even don't see to interact with, as online work takes precedence. Never forget this.

    5. The sole purpose of our Twinspace is educational. It will never be used for commercial or profit-making purposes. 

    6. When using our Twinspace, we commit ourselves not to threaten, harass or humiliate any other member of the Twinspace.

    7. It is important to respect intellectual property as well as copyright, so we will ensure that we do so before using certain multimedia resources.

    8. For the publication of content featuring students, this will only be done with the appropriate authorisations.

    9. We should make proper use of messaging services, using them correctly and responsibly.