Italian MEMES on MALTA


    Italian MEMES on MALTA

    Students work in couples on the following tasks:

    1)STEP ONE-Read the presentations from Malta  (your assigned topic)

    2)STEP TWO-Create 1 fake news and 1 real news 

    3)STEP THREE-Choose an image and a brief text for your news

    4)STEP FOUR-Create a meme with and post it on Padlet

    5)STEP FIVE- In the Forum write at least 1 post on Malta's Thread 

    6)STEP SIX- Express whether you like/dislike 4 memes (2 fake and 2 real)


    Students start working on memes on these shared document, click on the image to view full document:


           5B on Fake News                                                                           5A on Fake News 


    To help themselves approaching tasks systematically, students follow a check-list. Click on the image to view the full document:




    In this Padlet, students post their final product. Only the best 12 final Italian memes (6 real and six fake) are selected to take part in the interationl competition.

    Thus, students follow the guideline:

    1) put a LIKE on max. 4 memes (2 real and 2 fake)

    2) you're not allowed to put a like on your meme