💙💛f. #StandWithUkraine - webinar and follow up


    On 25th February - 2nd day of war.


    Our experience:

    Bicocca University in Milan

    Liceo delle Scienze Applicate Galileo Galilei, Crema

    Polo Liceale di Rossano

    We followed an online lecture at Bicocca University in Milan held by Professor Antonello Tancredi, specialized in International Law. He analyzed the current crisis between Ukraine and Russia, its origins, its developments, in the perspective of the rules of international law governing relations between States and pursuing the maintaining international peace and security.

    The conference was followed by an interesting Q & A session.


    Liceo of Applied Sciences "Galileo Galilei" and Sant Gabriel in Barcelona are two EPAS Schools active in the EPAS etwinning group. We are proud of our contribution to this video.

    Schools in Europe react to the Russian invasion of Ukraine

    What can Ukraine tell us about Europe? Since the start of the large-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine, the world has learned that Ukraine means ‘borderland’ and that official Russian propaganda claims that Ukraine and Ukrainians do not really exist. Yet we are faced with everyday proof of the opposite. During this online event, we will ask academics from the fields of history, sociology and memory to reflect on the questions of Ukrainian identity(ies), culture, values and divisions, both historical and more recent. What does Ukrainian identity mean today, and how did it evolve over the last two hundred years?

    Instead of approaching Ukraine through the lens of its relationship with Russia, we are going to ask the speakers to explain how Ukrainian history and the more recent developments fit or do not fit into European patterns. How would our understanding of Europe change if we place Ukrainian experiences firmly within the European realm? What does Ukrainian identity mean today? How did it develop, and what historical and cultural diversities does it include? If we are ready to listen, what can Ukraine tell us about Europe?

    Ukraine: European History