5. The Fora or Roundtables


    Round table is an organized conversation with one moderator, several chosen speakers that bring a variety of perspectives to a subject identified beforehand.

    Image from the site Education for Democratic Citizenship and Human Rights Education (EDC/HRE)

    Participants agree on a specific topic to discuss and debate and are given equal right to participate. 

    The groups will be given some guidelines and an agenda beforehand splitting the topic into smaller areas for a more structured discussion.

    There will be  a moderator/facilitator for the discussion, but this teacher should not lead or direct the discussion. The facilitator’s role is to try and ensure that everyone is included equally in the discussion and to keep the discussion on track. General guidelines that could be applicable may include:

    • Listening to others—no interruptions when people are speaking
    • No other discussions whilst someone is talking
    • Everyone participating actively
    • No domination
    • Differences in opinion are not expressed or taken personally
    • Maintaining a civil tone and atmosphere

    The topic of the Roundtable 



    1. Democracy: is it in distress?

    Ms Ogliari Rita

    Gaia, Alessia, Alice, Francesco, Irene, Riccardo (IT_Galilei)

    Nicoleta, Sabrina, Mihaela, (Moldova)

    Ainhoa, Judit H, Iván, Erik, Aroa C, Cloe, Gabriela, Nuria, Pol, Marta, Adrián, Aitana T, Nil, Elena,Gloria, Ester (Spain)

    2. Equal human rights on the territory of the EU, is it so?

    Ms Rata Natalia

    Sanda F., Victoria, Cristina, Ionela, Aura, (Moldova)

    Pietro, Alessandro, Samuele N., Matteo F., Omar (IT_Galilei)


    Eva, Nikh, Katerina, Giorgos, (Greece)



    3. Fake news: a real problem?

    Ms. Alesina Anna

    (Spain) Jan, Lucia, Laura B, Kaoutar, Héctor, Laura T, Erika, Adriana, Dani S, Alejandro G, Iker, Gonzalo, Joan, eva, Judit, Dìdac, Edgar, Josue, Karol, Ariadna, Aroa N, Maria, Saùl, Dani G, Alejandro I, Hannah, Dani H, Yurieth



    4. Values, ideas, opportunities: does youth's opinion matter? 

    Ms Straface Patrizia & Ms M. Luisa Salvati

    Ms Filomia Barbara & Ms Patrizia Zeppetella


    Melike, Duru, Arda (Turkey)

    Cristina, Nerea, Daniela, Aitana C, Iria, Lucas, Ryan, Pol, Inés, Paula, Mar, Aina, Mercè, Diana, Mª José, Dani C (Spain)

    5. Can the European Green Deal turn environmental challenges into opportunities?

    Ms. AltunbaÅŸ Dilek


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    Ahmet, E.Asya, Pelin, Berkay, Arda (Turkey)

    Jana, Sanda, Mihaela, (Moldova)

    Michele, Francesco P, Flavio, Ester C, Federico,  Giusy, Antonio C, Martina C, Carla, Crisitiano, Aurora (Italy_Rossano)

    6. Children's safety issues in the EU digital environment. What is at stake?

    Ms Anastasia Samartzi, Ms Maria Ntemou, Ms Ourania Floratou


    Leonardo, Mauro, Matteo L., Samuele B., Martina (IT_Galilei)

    Özberk, Defne, Azra (Turkey)