1. Welcome to the project.

  • About the project

    The Council of Europe Secretary General’s annual report for 2021 finds that “democracy is in distress”. Which are the causes that lead to democratic regression? Has Covid-19 negative socio-economic and health impact been utilized to erode democracy?
    It is time to make a choice: as citizens, will we continue to facilitate this democratic backsliding or are we going to work together to reverse this trend? European students meet on the eTwinning platform and can have a say as young democratic citizens, they can promote civic commitment, capacities and connections.

    The current Secretary General of the Council of Europe, Marija Pejčinović Burić (Croatia)


    The project aims at creating an interactive learning environment which promotes opinion sharing, exchange of ideas and debating among students so that they will be able to consider issues from different perspectives. Students will learn to work responsibly as a part of a team work with others, to consider and respect other points of view.
    In order to create a positive environment where critical thinking develops the students will always be asked to be “active shapers” of their learning process in the decision making process and they will have to feel free to express their own opinions using creatively technological media.
    Since opinions have to be based on facts, other essential skills to be developed are the research skills and practices gained by using a variety of sources and tools.


    Output: Celebration of Europe Day on 9th May 2022: activities prepared by students according to their priorities.
    Impact on the school community:
    - Promotion of participatory and interactive learning methods, involving teamwork and enhancing the active role of students in the choice of the topics chosen, in the planning and evaluation of the activities;
    - Awareness of universal values;
    - Identification of multiple perspectives on a specific topic: seeing things from a variety of points of view means promotion of empathy and a culture in which diversity is perceived as a value.