Teachers working in progress


    Teachers communicate, interact and plan together using different channels.

    One of them is some Google Drive documents where all the ideas are put in common from the beginning and that was our real starting point for this project, there we plan about the activities, tools and tasks to be developed in our project.

    Document for the initial planning and organisation of the project:

    Another channel we use to communicate among us is a Whatsapp group with all the members where we message quick information and those things we want to let the others know sooner and faster.



    Another channel used by teachers is the TwinSpace: the teachers bulletin and the Home page where we update the information we want to let our partners know and important pictures and videos to share with them too!


    Finally, teachers have also met with a videoconference, using Meet. Either way, all it has been really useful and successful because it's always a pleasure to plan together and to come up with ideas together and also because we can see our faces and talk about other things;)