Italy -IC SANTENA - Primary school Cavour
4°A Class
We watched the videos on inclusion and gender equality.
Afterwards we wrote our thoughts in post it notes and put them on a poster. A few days later we did an assignment in Italian on our notebooks.
In the following weeks, we started chatting with our etwinning friends in the Forum. We introduced ourselves and wrote about why we chose to do that work...
Every Thursday afternoon we do an eTwinning workshop and so we working in the small group.We like eTwinning workshop a lot!!
Szkoła Podstawowa nr 2, Czechowice-Dziedzice, Poland
Class 5b
The students have watched videos about different aspects of equality: in professions, education, people of special needs...Then, they wrote down their thoughts and express their opinion about equal treatment of all people.
"Everybody should have equal opportunities no matter being dumb, deaf or blind, ill or healthy, is a man or a woman. Every child is entitled to education and personal development. Everyone is special and important".
"For me, equal opportunities mean that everyone can be what she/he wants to be and has the same rights".
"You can make friends with everyone, people with mental or physical disorders can be your best friends. Every child has the right to learn and play."
"You can choose a job which you like, no matter being a man or a woman".
"Equal opportunities: you can be what you want to be, you have the right to learn, to express your point of view, to be treated with respect. You can make friends with different people because everyone is special".
Ceip Sierra Nevada Granada, Spain
4th Grade
The students have seen the proposed videos, later we have carried out a braisntorming in which it has remained clear that both women and men are qualified to carry out the profession they want.
Also we were talking about equality between all the children, we are different, but we are the same.
5th Grade
5th grade students have made the same experiment before watching one of the videos, talking about different jobs. Afer then, we have seen some videos about equal opportunities. We have been very surprised since we weren't aware of how assumed certain believes are.