10. Activities to protect the environment/Acciones para el cuidado del Medio Ambiente

  • Activities to protect the environment/Acciones para el cuidado del Medio Ambiente


    En el colegio Joseph-Hubert se hacen cada año acciones, concursos y actividades sobre el tema de la proteccion del medio ambiente:

    He aquí algunas de las que hemos realizado entre el año pasado y este año.

      1  Creación de un huerto "en carrés"  (en cuadros). Que además fue realizado por los alumnos de Ulis, que están integrados en las clases del colegio.  (Ver vídeo)

      2 Concurso ¡No siembres tus pilas!  (con el juego de palabras en francés, "semer" que quiere decir también dispersar por ahí) Para sensibilzar a la contaminación de la Naturaleza por las pilas y baterias tiradas en el suelo.  Tenemos fotos de las acciones.

    3 Un taller de réalización de papel reciclado. Para que los chicos aprendan la importancia de reutilizar los recursos como el papel, y por qué no debemos malgastarlo. Tenemos también un vídeo.

      4 Créación de una mini planta de depuración de agua. Esta acción esta en curso de realización y los alumnos de Quinto grado van a publicar aquí los resultados.(Los alumnos de Laure Savrot  realizaron un video)

      5 Participación al concurso europeo de carteles para anunciar la semana del desarrollo sostenible. Ganamos el primer premio de La Réunion, y el dibujo fue seleccionado para anunciar la SDD  y para premiar a los centros que realizan acciones para el desarrolllo sostenible en La Réunion.




    The 6B students researched in small groups ways to help the environment at school and also on a global scale. Therafter they presented their ideas. Farther down you can see the posters. As a class, in order to show their commitment, they decided to contribute a little bit for a better environment. After seeing and discussing the film "Plastic Planet" they tried to live without the use of plastic for a week; however, all of them failed, as unfortunately we are surrounded by plastic in every area of life. At the latest when brushing their teeth. Nevertheless, some of them decided to reduce their use of plastic, in particular, plastic bags and bottles. Moreover, they decided on these points how to help the environment at school: 

    - switch out the lights when leaving the classroom (and not turning them on when there is enough daylight)

    - trying to use more local products to avoid long ways of transportation

    - recycling (paper and residual waste)

    - trying to avoid plastic bottles and bags (instead using glass bottles and reusable bags)

    - bying a part of the rainforest to be save from deforestation

    - some of them decided to donate money to an environmental group (pressure group) 

    The project on envionment was interesting but also shocking and an eye opener to the students. 




    Our school participates actively in environmental and ecological issues.

    We take part in Recycling Games Project, which is aimed  at collection of small electronic waste. We have special containers, where we put old devices. It contributes to electronic waste separation and recycling.

    Ecotopfilm is an international festival about global environmental problems, followed by discussions and lectures with experts. We visit it annually.

    Sosna- Pine- is an ecological centre, which specializes in low-energy and low-budget living. We go there to see how it is possible to live with nature, we can do there some activities and games.

    We have excursions to our nature reserve Morske oko twice a year , to learn about protection of nature and we collect waste. 

    Wolf is an organization which gives us information about need to protect our forests. In activity Save your tree we plant, look after our trees and give labels to trees in our school area.

    Ecotextiles - we have a special container for old or used clothes. This way we offer material assistance to poor families. We also collect old toys, shoes, things to school and offer them to humanitarian organizations.

    Recycling competition was a very successful game for our school last year. We collected plastic bottles and being second in Slovakia we won a multifunction playground, which can be used by students of our school and also by others.