Irene Sanchez Aroca (Spain) ; Paul Sendou (France) ; Emmi Gabara (Austria) ; Dominik Kostrej (Slovakia)

    You will find a page to answer the questions
    1. When and why has created the EEC? It was created by which treaty? It was created by the Treaty of Rome of 1957. The Community's initial aim was to bring about economic integration, including a common market and customs union, among its six founding members: Belgium, France, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands and West Germany.
    2. Which were the initial aims? The Community's initial aim was to bring about economic integration, including a common market and customs union, among its six founding members: Belgium, France, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands and West Germany.
    3. What is the Maastritch Treaty? What did it supposed for the EEC? Which were the most important changes? Upon the entry into force of the Maastricht Treaty in 1993, the EEC was renamed the European Community to reflect that it covered a wider range than economic policy. This was also when the three European Communities, including the EC, were collectively made to constitute the first of the three pillars of the European Union, which the treaty also founded. The EC existed in this form until it was abolished by the 2009 Treaty of Lisbon, which incorporated the EC's institutions into the EU's wider framework and provided that the EU would "replace and succeed the European Community".
    4. The present EU is the result of several treaties and agreements signed by the middle of last Century. Do an internet search and list the most meaningful.
    European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC)
    European Atomic Energy Community (EURATOM)
    European Free Trade Association
    5.Describe the EU's flag and explain its meaning.

    The Flag of Europe, or European Flag, consists of a circle of 12 golden (yellow) stars on an azure background. It is an official emblem of both the Council of Europe (CoE) and the European Union (EU) and is termed the "Flag of Europe" or "European Flag" by both organisations. It was first adopted in 1955 by the Council of Europe, intended to represent the continent as a whole. However, it is sometimes known as the "flag of the European Union". It can also be used to indicate eurozone countries.

    In its broadest sense, the flag can represent the continent of Europe or the countries of Europe independent of any institution. Consequently, the number of stars does not vary according to the member states as they are intended to represent all the peoples of Europe, even those outside the EU.
    6.Investigate for the Europe hymn. Who did write it? What does it mean?
    It is based on the final movement of Beethoven's 9th Symphony composed in 1823. Friedrich Schiller wrote the poem "An die Freude" ("To Joy") in 1785. "Ode to Joy" is the anthem of the Council of Europe and the European Union, promoted as a symbol for the whole of Europe as are the other European symbols. It is used on occasions such as Europe Day and formal events such as the signing of treaties.
    7.What is the EU's slogan? United in diversity
    8. When is the European Union day? why? 9th of May
    The European Union's day is also known as Schuman Day and celebrates the historical declaration by French foreign minister Robert Schuman in 1950.[2] Europe Day is one of a number of European symbols designed to foster unity among Europeans.
    9. When the Euro was implanted as a European common currency? The euro was introduced to world financial markets as an accounting currency on 1 January 1999.
    10. Draft a text considering the importance of belonging to EU.
    Dass wir zur Eu gehoeren, ist wichtig, weil es den Frieden in Europa sichert. Ausserdem stellt Europa vereint eine grosse Macht dar, da es viele einflussreiche Staaten hat. Und so wissen wir besser; was in anderen Laendern vor sich geht und wie wir sie so besser unterstuetzen koennen. (Emmi)
     Para mi Europa significa la unión  entre diferentes paises con diferentes ideas, costumbres... La palabra europa significó para toda europa paz y eso fue y sigue siendo ,muy importante para todas las personas.  Irene
    Je dvolezite ze pocas tychto aktivit spoznavame nielen okolie kde sme ale aj celu Europu.V podstate Europa je nas druhy domov v domove.Europu pozna kqzdy na okolo,preto ju musime aj mi poznat.(Dominik)
    L'Union Européenne est pour moi synonyme d'échange économique et culturel, qui permet d'élargir les liens humains à un niveau plus grand que celui d'un simple pays, notamment grâce à des opportunités telles que ce type de voyage. En effet, nous avons ainsi la possibilité de créer de nouvelles amitiés avec des personnes totalement différentes de nous, permettant de toujours apporter une amélioration à notre façon de voir le monde. L'Union européenne est donc une chance pour tous les membres qui la composent. (Paul)