Here are our schools and a map showing where they are located!
1) Gymnasio Zagoras, GREECE
2) I.C.S. "Ferdinando Russo", ITALY
My school by the students of ICS.pdf
3 ) I.E.S. Alto Nalón, SPAIN
4) Colegiul Tehnic "Traian Vuia", ROMANIA
My school - "Traian Vuia" Technical College
5) Mustafa Iclal Başer Anadolu Lisesi, TURKEY
6) Gymnasio Argalastis, GREECE
7) Gimnazjum nr 21 im. Tony'ego Halika w Toruniu, POLAND
8) V Liceum Ogólnokształcące im. Wspólnej Europy W Olsztynie POLAND
9) Collège épiscopal de Zillisheim, FRANCE
10) Scoala Gimnaziala "Ioan Alexandru Bratescu- Voinesti", ROMANIA