G1 - Simple pendulum


    Hi, we are the group 1 from La Sénia. We have done a simple pendulum to know the gravity acceleration.


    1. Wooden stick

    2. Chronometer

    3. 3m of non-elastic thread

    4. Table support

    5. Protractor

    6. Small metallic ball

    7. Ruler

    8. Laptop computer


    First of all, we read what the Czech students had done and had published on the project web to know how we could do the pendulum. After that, we look for some materials that were available in our high school and we went to the technology workshop because there we had more space and the possibility to do it higher. We tried to do the highest as possible because if we did that we had more accuracy. Then, after building the pendulum we downloaded the example excel that the Czech students had provided us and we adapted it to our measurements.

    When we had the pendulum done, we cut the thread randomly for the first measurement and then the other measurements we reduced the length by 0’25m each time. One of us measured the angle with the protractor on the top of the stick, the other held the ball and dropped it and the last one counted the oscillations of the pendulum and set the chronometer and we did that with all the measurements and then we wrote them on the excel.


    Looking at our results and comparing them with the Czech ones we concluded that we had more accuracy because our thread was longer than their and it was non-elastic.

    It is possible that the location of the towns have affected on the results because it depends on the height of the town. The gravity is lower if you are higher.
