Dissemination of the DIRES project in different countries and languages

  • Articles in French


    European Parliament

    A French article written by Danielle Lavollée, coordinator, about the DIRES project, is in the LETTRE D'INFORMATION N° 65 - FÉVRIER 2017 of Marielle de Sarnez, European Parliament. It can be read on the link : http://lalettredemarielledesarnez.eu/la-contribution-du-referent-europe-91/

    ISC School

    Newspaper articles from "Le Républicain" :


    ISC Newspaper "Inclusion et mobilité européennes" :

    ISC Newspaper "Richesse de l'inclusion européenne" :

    ISC Newspaper "ECHO de l'ISC"


    Presentation of the DIRES project at the AEDE Conference in Strasbourg